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So here there are a few more pictures of the event last Thursday. On the hat, Francisco Centofanti, the invited artist to play with the Cube. It was great to see how everybody got involved drawing over the lines of a painting-drawing where the theme is actually the action of drawing. From kids to adults, … Continue reading


Hi there! How are you? Busy days…very very busy days these ones for me…The Vyner Studio is absorving all my time (in a very good way) and that´s the reason why I have not been posting as much stuff as I used to. Now, in another level, a further step, I am having real contact … Continue reading

The Vyner Studio welcomes Michal Cabaj from today

The Vyner Studio welcomes Michal Cabaj from today. This architect, photographer and also a painter will be using The VynerStudio as a part time studio on Tuesdays evenings, Thursdays eveningsand also Sundays afternoon-till late. This is his website by the way.http://www.seemehow.co.uk There could be an extra space for an…other painter on this days, who will … Continue reading

First Artist Led Course at The Vyner Studio

I am sooooooooo proud to announce the first artist led course: Learn how to Draw and Paint like the Great Masters, a one day introduction workshop by Francisco Centofanti. Next Saturday right after the Drawing Sessions at The Vyner Studio on 1-5 Vyner Street, London. This is actually a rare opportunity to attend a course … Continue reading

The Drawing Sessions at The Vyner Studio

It´s official. From next week, every Saturday The Vyner Studio will turn into a big studio full of strugling minds fighting to understand the anatomy and the language of drawing!One life model and 2,5 hours where through a combination of short and longer posses we´ll consume paper and graphite in the best possible way. I … Continue reading

The Vyner Studio is officially open

Today I picked up the keys for The Vyner Studio. It´s official: the studio is now open. I will keep you informed about courses and exhibitions.Welcome onboard everybody!

Join The Vyner Studio Facebook Group

Hi there! I have created a facebook group for The Vyner Studio. I will provide information about upcoming exhibitions, courses and you can also find contact details about the teachers for every course. So far Spanish lessons all levels and Yoga and Acroyoga are being arranged. Lessons will start on the 1st of April. You … Continue reading

Georges Schwizgebel – Perspectives [1975]

Morning all. Here´s an animation by Georges Schwizgebel (1944,Switzerland).I´d like to thank Ariadna Bejarano for her collaboration. By the way, since the 1st of April The Vyner Studio will welcome a serie of events including exhibitions and short courses by some selected artist. Also I will finally produce the acclaimed t-shirts and I will schedulle … Continue reading